
Christmas Shopping On A Budget

17-12-2019 11:57:58 am

So Black Friday is over, and the festive season has begun, with it comes all the expenses of Christmas shopping and breaking your bank balance forgetting that you must go a whole month before your next salary is paid.

For many of us, while we have the lights up and the tree decorated, there are no presents under the Christmas tree yet. You may not have bought a single present or even budgeted for presents. Here are some easy, last-minute Christmas shopping tips for busy people trying to do their shopping on a budget.

  • Make a Shopping List
  • Make a budget
  • Set a spending limit, that way it forces you not to go over budget.
  • Pay in Cash, the easiest way to not go into debt is to use cash instead of credit to buy gifts. This way you know if your cash runs out, it is all over.
  • Shop by yourself! You are most likely to spend less if you do not have a shopping partner in crime.
  • Tis the season to Give not Buy, so give more of yourself, your time to your loved ones.

Remember it is not the size of the gift or how big your spread is this Christmas. Christmas is about family and your loved ones, sharing in laughter, love, light and peace. Festive greeting to all.