
Reason why your CV is being Rejected

02-12-2019 01:43:20 pm

Every job I apply for turns me down! Does that sound familiar? What about I was rejected for a job I was perfect for! Do not worry, everybody has been there at one point or another. More so those graduates who are now having to face the prospect of looking for a job. Your CV is the first point of contact with a potential employer therefore.

First impressions count, especially with a CV. When your CV is in front of a recruiter, it will typically get between 10 and 30 seconds of their time to impress the socks off them, so do not let your CV become a rejected CV. A job application rejected immediately can make you feel worthless. But by identifying what the problem was, you can continually work on your applications. Before long, you would have learned precisely what it takes to get a job.


  • The most obvious reason why your application was rejected is that you were not qualified for the role.
  • A ridiculous email addresses
  • Typos and poor editing
  • A mismatch between the position and your CV.
  • Too much focus on background and experience that is irrelevant to the position
  • The inaccuracy of dates to try and cover up job hopping or unexplained gaps in employment.
  • Inflated education achievements, including purchasing online degrees which are worthless.
  • Exaggerated career accomplishments.
  • A lack of accomplishments.

These are just some of the reasons why your Cv is being rejected. However, it is a great thing when you get that call of consideration and you are invited to an interview. Meaning you passed the 10 second skim and now recruiters are interested in you.

How to Make your CV stand out for the 10-second skim

Break the information up: If you want to make recruiters happy, make your CV easy to read. Nobody likes to wade through huge chunks of text to find the information they need.

Keep your CV under two pages: Some recruiters will receive hundreds of job applications every day, so they do not have time to read lengthy CVs. If you want to ensure that your CV can be skimmed in 10 seconds, then it needs to be two pages or less.

Cut down irrelevant information: Having too much information that is not relevant to that specific position will most likely have your cv end up in the trash can.

Keep it clean: Your language you communicate with on your CV has the potential to break or make you. Make sure, you stay clear of swear words and thoroughly check for typos and grammar mistakes.

Remember we all have our own races to run. It is a recruitment process, fix that CV send it out and impress that potential employer.