Van Schaik Bookstore Digital Manager appointed as Vice President of SABA

22-09-2016 10:49:26 am

Digital Manager of Van Schaik Bookstore, Melvin Kaabwe, has been appointed as Vice President of the South African Booksellers Association (SABA).

Melvin has been serving as Digital Sector Chairperson, but now his responsibilities have been extended to becoming a member of the national executive team of SABA. He will represent members of the Association at government level, act as a voice on behalf of all members when lobbying with government, publishers association and other key industry stakeholders to ensure that fair trade and practices are implemented and encouraged.

Melvin is very excited about his new appointment: “One of the first things I have committed to is to ensure we educate our people across the country on how vital a role booksellers play in the upliftment of the people they serve. I am working with SABA members like Exclusive Books to develop an online bookselling course which we have high hopes to be a great resource to those who wish to gain knowledge about bookselling in SA and study further in order to continue perfecting the art of bookselling.”

Melvin concludes with other causes he wishes to address: “Developing proactive strategies to protect booksellers from regulation that challenges their growth by working with Government through inputs to proposed National Policy white-papers on issues like intellectual property, fair-use, copyright etc. Also, cultivating activism amongst the booksellers in response to international competitors, piracy and opportunistic business that is detrimental to good value for all readers of books in schools, libraries, homes, in travel and online everywhere in SA.”